{she and he}

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Country Home...No Longer

Bad news today...Country Home is joining Cottage Living in heaven. Yes, it is true. Country Home is no longer. Lack of ad buys and decreasing circulation led to the magazine's demise. According to The New York Times, in 2008 Country Home had 25 percent fewer ad pages than in 2007. The March issue will be its last.

I just don't know what I am going to do. I have to admit, I bought the February issue of Country Home a couple weeks ago and as I was skimming through it, I thought...I miss Cottage Living deeply...ha..but I suppose this can be my new favorite. There were a lot of cute spreads and (now ironically) it had more content and less ads than Country Living...Better for us readers I guess, but not so great for business.

The February issue had a darling spread on cute and functional organization ideas...perfect in time to fulfill those New Year's resolutions!


Heather-joy said...

You are too cute, one day... maybe when I grow up... I'll be as organized as you!

Jess said...

Jen I found your cute blog through Heather .... and I LOVE it!!! Honestly I am sooooo sad too this magazine is leaving, it is one of my favorites as well! Also the pics you put up are my MOST favorite ever!! I wish I could be creative and do this in my home!! You are a doll!